1) When did this smoking start, what was going on in your life at that time?
2) What it helps you to cope with in life?
3) How do you know you have stress? ( tune your body sensation, and feeling, I see an image, a type of sound, some smell, or a kind of touch)
4) What’s the benefit to release this addiction? and Why do you want to release this addiction now?
5) Imagine being smoke-free / and clean! Any resistance in your mind to visualize?
6) Is it safe to release and let go?
7) Any void this fills up with?
if there was an emotion to the addiction / or any emotion this gives you what would it be?
9) Are there any particular times in a day you find yourself smoking?
10) Do you feel you will betray your best friend if you leave smoking?
Know that its possible to be ciggi free and achieve your health goal
If you need any assistance feel free to contact me.
Root Cause